Gotland sheep are a Swedish breed prized for their beautiful, curly grey, lustrous wool.
In Sweden most Gotlands are sold for meat and pelts as lambs. The pelts are made into an amazing array of products, from fashion clothing to seat covers. The wool is typically made into blankets commercially, but hand spinners and felters create just about anything from it!
Check out the products below and contact us if you are looking for something specific!
Sustainable Processing
We are committed to the lowest-impact wool processing possible.
If you buy anything but a raw fleece, the wool has been washed, picked, carded, and/or pin-drafted by The Wool Mill in Belgrade, Montana. LaVonne Stucky built this mill a few years ago on her family’s ranch. It is completely solar powered—and we mean completely!
WOW! Wool
How amazing this wool is!
Here are a few photos to show you how Gotland wool looks in yarn, shawls, sweaters, etc.
Also, take a look at our friend Jeannine Morrison’s creations
(4 Fine Sheep). She buys fleeces from us, and uses her own, to make all manner of fun objets d’art like the grumpy gnome and table runner below! Gorgeous!

Fleeces in the raw

Ask about color, size, and availability!
We have a large variety of lamb, ewe, and ram fleeces of various shades from light gray to dark grey. I do not wash, I only skirt!!!
Steph also has a few black fleeces she might be persuaded to part with, since she has started a line of black Gotlands for hand spinners’ delight. No dying! Just a curly black fleece with a few strands of white to keep it real.
Roving is white or gray, from Gotland crosses.


We have a batch coming from the mill in a few months—so get on the list if you want some!
If you have special project, contact Steph to see if there is time to order it spun per your instructions for an extra fee (a 50% deposit will be required).
Brain tanned pelts
Brain tanning is an ancient method of preserving hides. The resulting pelt is soft, washable to some degree, and has not been treated with nasty chemicals.
Our friend John Savage in Paradise, Montana, has become an expert. He tans hides when he is not hunting or fishing, which means, at night.